- Dental ExaminationTo get started, simply call and schedule an appointment at the location that’s most convenient for you. We have orthodontic offices in Stow, Cuyahoga Falls, and Akron/Canton. The initial visits average about 30 minutes each. During your first visit, we will perform an oral exam and discuss our findings with you.
- Dental ImplantsMost often surgery in conjunction with orthodontic treatment is done in non-growing or adult patients. Surgery is typically used to correct an underlying imbalance in the growth of the facial bones. Occasionally, minor surgeries are needed to uncover teeth that have not erupted or place dental implants.
- Oral Surgery
- OrthodonticsYou might say that orthodontics is in our blood. Our father, Andrew, founded Haas Orthodontic Arts more than 50 years ago. Today three of his sons, Roger, Mark and Eric, carry on the family tradition of providing exemplary orthodontic care in Stow, Cuyahoga Falls, and Akron/Canton.
- BracesIt takes special training and experience to match the best treatment options to the individual. Many practitioner “do braces” but don’t have the extensive training of an orthodontic specialist.