- Residential Pest ControlThe safety of your loved ones is a top priority, and that’s why it’s important to consider your residential pest control needs. The best way to guard your home against pests, is to reach out to the experts at Epcon Lane. We provide a variety of residential pest treatments, depending on your pest problem and your particular needs. Some of the treatments we provide include...
- Commercial Pest ControlEpcon Lane has been providing residential and commercial pest control services for over 75 years. We are a full-service, family-owned and operated, preventative pest control company that has been servicing properties throughout our Cuyahoga County pest control service areas since 1945. We’re here to bring you pest protection you can count on, guaranteed. Call us to request your service quote today.
- AntsAnts are household pests that regularly find their way into our yards and homes as they search for suitable nesting sites and food to feed their expansive colonies. If you see ants wandering around your yard or home, the most likely culprits will be pavement ants, carpenter ants, or odorous house ants.
- SpidersA common type of arachnid, the spider, has a reputation for being an unsettling household invader. Because they pursuer other insects into your home, spiders are often hard to get rid of. The commonly shared characteristics of all spiders are their eight legs, many eyes, fangs, and venom glands.
- TermitesTermites are insects that are a year-round threat to homes and businesses in Northeast Ohio. They feed on wood and cause extensive damage to the buildings they invade. Termites are one of the few organisms able to convert cellulose into a source of food. Feeding on decaying and water-damaged wood out in nature is helpful as they help to rid the ground of deadwood, but in our homes, they are one of the most destructive pests property owners have to deal with!
- FleasFleas are insects that feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals. Cat fleas and dog fleas are most common in our area, with cat fleas being the most widespread. Fleas are tiny in size and have flat bodies covered in a hard shell and large hind legs that enable them to jump 200 times their height.
- CockroachesCockroaches are active pests in homes and businesses in Ohio. While they rarely just pass through your home, it can certainly be possible. However, it is far safer to assume the presence of these pests is a sign of serious infestation. Cockroaches are insects that can measure over two inches long in adulthood. Here around the Akron area, we typically suffer from infestations of one of these four species...
- SilverfishPeace of Mind. With four treatments throughout the year, your home will be free from ants, rodents, silverfish, and more. We also offer free re-services with this recurring plan.
- BeesIn the event a customer requests treatment for bees and we identify them as honey bees, we collaborate with a local beekeeper to relocate the hive responsibly.
- WaspsWasps are a potentially dangerous pest once they build a nest on a Cleveland property. They are highly territorial and aggressive, which can be a dangerous combination if they perceive a threat. In order to prevent these pests and reduce their attraction to a property, locals should try these tips...
- TicksTicks are also blood-feeding pests, but they are not insects; they are arachnids. Ticks have oval-shaped bodies, eight legs, and cannot jump or fly. In our area, black-legged deer ticks and dog ticks are most common. Black-legged deer ticks are a brownish-orange color with distinctive darker-colored legs. Dog ticks are larger than deer ticks, and after feeding, they turn a bluish-gray color.
- EarwigsEarwigs: These pests have a bad reputation for crawling into people’s ears. However, this tiny, five-eighths of an inch-long bug prefers to crawl about inside homes rather than people.
- MosquitoesThe mosquito has an elongated piercing mouthpart called a proboscis, wings, six long, thin legs, and a grayish or black body. Some mosquitoes may have white stripes or other lighter markings on their legs or bodies, depending on the exact species.
- FliesMosquitoes are those small flies that swarm together in large numbers in our backyards. Unfortunately, mosquitoes are dangerous pests and don't just fly around aimlessly in our backyards; female mosquitoes bite to feed on blood in order to get the protein they need to make viable eggs. Mosquitoes are most active in the spring and summer season when the weather is warmest, putting them in close proximity to people when we are also most active outside.
- CentipedesCentipedes: Tall, thin, creepy legs give the centipede a distinctive appearance. They are much more prone to bite than other occasional invaders.
- MillipedesMillipedes: Millipedes have thick carapaces and a tendency to roll into balls when threatened. Some wild varieties in Akron and Cleveland may measure several inches long at maturity.
- HornetsHornets: Hornets are a larger, more aggressive subspecies of wasp. If they feel threatened, you and anyone else near their nest is in danger of being stung repeatedly. Never handle a hornet’s nest on your own.
- YellowjacketsYellow jackets: Yellow jackets are easy to spot by their telltale yellow color. Unlike other stinging insects, they both bite and sting, so an encounter with a yellowjacket is even more painful. Yellow jackets are very aggressive insects that will attack even if they don’t feel threatened.
- Stink BugsStink Bugs: Sometimes called the brown marmorated stink bug, this pest is shield-shaped and increasingly prevalent in our area. They give off a foul scent when squished, which is what grants them their name.
- Stinging InsectsPests of any kind are never fun to deal with, but ones like stinging insects that cause pain to unsuspecting people are especially miserable for people in the Akron and Cleveland, OH area.
- MitesAdditional Pests: Rodents frequently carry other parasitic pests such as fleas, mites, and ticks which they can introduce to a property, compounding the pest issues.
- Wildlife
- Birds
- RodentsMany homeowners in Akron and Cleveland, OH, find themselves stuck in a back-and-forth battle with rodents on their properties. Their tapered shape and knack for problem-solving make rodents difficult pests to get rid of on your own. Thankfully, this isn't a problem you have to tackle alone. Epcon Lane has been serving communities throughout Ohio for over 75 years, and they have made it their business to keep their neighbors pest-free!
- MiceAs the name suggests, house mice are common structural pests in both rural and urban areas. They move into our homes to escape harsh weather, to forage for food, or to nest in a safe location. Some of their favorite nesting spots in our house include behind walls, under floors, in attics, basements, and behind cabinets and appliances.
- RatsRats: Arguably the most destructive of all pests, rats can cause fires by chewing on electrical wires. They also spread disease and contaminate food.